/ 大樓 / 100坪

習慣在案子一開始就把家具全部設定,最後雖不一定照單全收,但因為有家具的制約,所以在配色與質感、甚至是最後的擺飾風格與藝術品採購、窗簾壁紙的選搭就 有決定性的影響。這個新的案子在一連串的Email往返後終於定調,〝HOME*BOUTIQUE〞是我給業主的設計概念。雖然設計一開始就定調以白、灰為主色,不過在天花與地板都定調以白為主之後,公共空間木作我反而選了相當重的鐵刀木,臥室則是用橡木洗白。主要家具還是以 黑白灰為主色調,不過我這次嘗試在某些單品家具與主牆面用了一些比較大膽的顏色,例如主臥室背牆的勃根地紫搭配橄欖綠檯燈與沙發、客廳的赭灰躺椅、書房的 湖藍書椅與骨董玫瑰紅單人沙發、砂金色鯊魚皮紋壁布與珍珠灰鱷魚皮壁紙...2011/6/23收到業主來信...

Hi Roy, Shared the photos with both my sister and brother and they both like it very much. I think the study is great and love all the chairs you have chosen, from the shapes, legs, colors to the fabric. The antique rose color, the blue grey, the green and the dining chairs are all fab!! Thanks so much for the hard work in the past few months and thanks for taking such care of it. I heard from my mom that you have prepared everything down to the very last detail. Can not wait to see it in December!! Rest well and speak soon. Eve